What Treadmill Equipment Do I Really Need?
If you're in the market for a treadmill to run or walk on, you're not alone. Many people prefer treadmills to outdoor exercise. They don't have to deal with extremes of weather, and if they feel self-conscious exercising then a home treadmill is the perfect solution. Once you've decided to get a treadmill of your own, you need to decide what kinds of treadmill equipment you'll need.
Obviously, you'll need the treadmill machine itself. Most people are well informed on how to pick a treadmill. With any machine you consider, take note of the brand name and features as well as the dimensions of the machine. You want to make sure that there are no surprises once you bring it home and set it up. But there are many other pieces of equipment beyond the basic frame that your treadmill will require.
A treadmill belt is the second most important consideration. This is the part that you will be running on, so it really is the most important part of your treadmill. If you're suddenly having difficulty running on your treadmill, you probably need a new belt. Most treadmills come with a belt when you purchase them. But you may want to buy a higher-quality belt than the stock belt that comes with the treadmill, or you may want an extra belt around in case you need a replacement later on.
Treadmill lubricant allows the belt to slide effortlessly over the metal parts of the treadmill, which is absolutely necessary to a smoothly operating machine. Choose a wax-based lubricant over oil or silicon-based lubricants.
In regards to lubricant, you really need to read the manual that comes with your treadmill. It should recommend a lubrication schedule that will optimize the performance of your machine. And some treadmills come with pre-waxed belts that don't need lubrication at all. It's all in the manual, so make sure to read it.
Another important piece of equipment is a floor mat to put underneath your treadmill. This will soften impact to your knees as you run or walk, as well as protect your floor from being scratched or scuffed by the heavy treadmill. Most mats measure about 3' by 6', but they vary slightly. Extra-long mats are also available. Some are made from foam, but most exercisers consider vinyl mats to be the most durable and functional.
Other accessories also fall in the category of equipment you'll need. Accessories like replacement safety keys, surge protectors, clip on heart rate monitors, water bottles in attachable caddies, and running apparel are all necessary for a successful treadmill experience.
Hopefully you've seen in this article that there's more to buying a treadmill than meets the eye. You actually need several pieces of treadmill equipment to make your purchase complete. Once you've gathered all the necessary equipment, start exercising and have fun.
Treadmills are a great alternative to real running and complicated exercises. Treadmill is an affordable choice of exercise equipment that you can easily purchase. It provides the user with an opportunity to complete many of the common fitness needs at the comfort of his or her home. You can get more information about Treadmills which I browsed on internet can fetch you help.
September 25, 2008 at 1:45 AM
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