Ab Circle Pro - Not All As "Seen on TV" Stuff is Junk
In the quest to get six pack abs people are prepared to try a number of different products and it seems the more exotic the better. However, the fact is that in order to get the best quality abs, one needs to do more than just abdominal exercises.
Abdominal exercises of any kind including the movements one performs on the Ab Circle Pro; which is a side to side motion exercising the oblique abdominal muscles while keeping the front or rectus abdominal muscles tense, can strengthen the targeted muscles all round. However, did you know that performing the barbell squat exercises the core muscles, the muscles around the stomach and lower back much more effectively as they prevent the spine from collapsing during this very intense movement?
Another aspect of the quest for six pack abs is that one also needs to burn up the actual body fat covering said abs. The best way to do this is to always start your workout with at least 15 to 30 minutes of intense cardiovascular training to warm up before you do any weight room or other resistance work. When you do your strength training including abdominal exercises, do them intensely and with as little rest in between sets as possible. This way you keep your heart rate up and your body will divide its energy sources between 50% fat and 50% sugars. Remember to avoid overtraining and do not train at this intensity for more than 90 minutes, cardiovascular training included. Off course, one needs to consider proper diet as well.
Thus, one can conclude that the Ab Circle Pro can be part of your arsenal of abdominal exercises in your quest for six pack abs and will have its uses. However, so would regular sit ups or leg raises and nothing can beat the core strengthening benefits of the barbell squat. This does add variety to your abs program and thus prevents boredom and if you think this is worth the $200 price tag for the Ab Circle Pro then by all means acquire it. However, do not think of it as the end all and be all in the acquisition of six pack abs, because you might be somewhat disappointed.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Paul_Powell
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