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Thursday, January 22, 2009

Smooth CE 2.0 Elliptical Trainer - Not Pretty, But Top Notch Budget Value

The Smooth CE 2.0 Elliptical Trainer might not look flashy and expensive, but if you don't care about elegance but simply want an excellent value on a top notch exercise machine, than the Smooth CE 2.0 Elliptical might be just what you're looking for.

This specific elliptical trainer is a budget model that is very strong despite being compact, and has a quality amount of "advanced" features for a budget model elliptical. Then again, what else have you come to expect from any piece of exercise equipment offered from the Smooth line of products.

One of the most popular advanced features on this budget elliptical trainer is the body fat calculator. The body fat calculator is a really nice tool to help individuals exercise and keep their progress towards their weight loss goals by keeping track of the body fat percentage.

In addition to this, the Smooth CE 2.0 Elliptical also has excellent overall ergonomics, which is easy on the joints and makes exercising not only easier on the body, but also decreases the chance of injuries, both small and serious.

The Smooth CE 2.0 Elliptical isn't designed to look fancy or pretty. This is a budget model and it appears really basic, but it is a quality machine that will work for individuals weighing up to 300 lbs. In addition to this, for a budget model this machine has many excellent features including 12 different workout programs, 16 resistance levels, adjustable pedals, and an excellent warranty.

One thing virtually every expert can agree on is that performance is never a problem with this model of elliptical trainer, and so to get an elliptical trainer of this quality for right around a grand or even less - that's a fantastic deal.

If you need a cheap, but still high quality, exercise machine, then the Smooth CE 2.0 Elliptical Trainer might be the right choice for you.

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Kettlebells For Fat Loss and More

Kettlebells tick all the boxes as far as I, as a trainer, am concerned. My clients want great results in minimum time, and they want fun and varied workouts. The kettlebell delivers on all counts.

So, what is it about kettlebells that make them the best choice for fat loss?

1. Maximum Results, Minimum Time

You hit every muscle in the body in most of the kettlebell moves - string a few targetted exercises together in a circuit (or even in one super exercise) you leave no muscle un-worked. This is they key when it comes to maximum fat loss - working as much of the body as you can. The bodybuilding style of hitting one muscle at a time is very outdated when it comes to fat loss in less time - of course bodybuilders have very little fat and plenty of muscle, but it takes hours of painstaking work to get there.

Kettlebells deliver double the results in half the time - a no-brainer in our busy world.

2. Kettlebell Training Boosts the Metabolism - So You Burn Fat All Day Long!

Muscle uses up more calories at rest than the equivalent weight of fat, and also takes up less space. So if you are composed of more muscle and less fat, you take up less space and can eat more calories just to maintain your weight! A double whammy, that is the result of the fact that muscle is more metabolically active. Kettlebells enable you to create long, lean muscles that are burning more calories while you do nothing than all that extra fat. Kettlebells make your body a fat burning furnace!

Added to the long term effect of having more muscle in relation to fat, is the fact that you actually burn more calories all day after a kettlebell session. When you burn 300 calories on a cross trainer or treadmill, you get off and go back to normal. With intense kettlebell training, you not only burn more in a session, but you also continue burning calories for 24 - 48 hours (known as post-exercise oxygen consumption, EPOC).

3. Kettlebells Make Your Life Easier!

Increasing the strength and tone of your muscles means you will not only look incredible, but you will function better too. Whether you are carrying shopping or children, or playing your favourite sport, being strong means you can perform better in every area of your life. If you are used to throwing around a heavy weight in your training sessions, a bag of shopping seems easy in comparison. You also get cardiovascular conditioning, so previously hard activities, like running up the stairs, will also seem easy. You can get more done in your day when you are fitter.

Kettlebells are superior to traditional weight training as you perform movements that mimic the challenges of daily life, and the uneven stresses that are imposed on the body. In addition, the kettlebell is held differently, and has an offset centre of gravity, meaning your small, stabilising muscles have to work harder to support the weight. This adds a core challenge to every exercise (for great abs and a strong back) as well as preventing injury by strengthening all your muscles, including the stabilising muscles.

In terms of fat loss, this is an added bonus - if you are laid off exercise because you are injured you are likely to get fat again and lose all the results of your hard work! Training yourself to be strong and injury-free means you can keep yourself in tip-top shape all the time.

Caroline is a Personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher and Kettlebell Instructor based in the UK.

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Too Busy to Workout? Not With a Kettlebell to Hand!

If you are still struggling to get to the gym three times a week for your weekly dose of exercise, you can stop beating yourself up about it right now! Most of us can't find the time needed to get to the gym this often, and rather than feeling guilty and promising yourself you will manage it next week, why not try a change of tack?

After all, the definition of madness is repeating the same thing over, while expecting different results.

If you can't get to the gym, don't blame your lack of commitment or motivation. Blame the model. Getting to the gym involves travel, changing, finding a locker, finding equipment that is free and coming into contact with a lot of other people's sweat. Not surprising it can often be the last place we want to be at the end of a hard day at the office.

Instead, why not invest in a chunk of cast iron, that you can store at home and that you can use any time and anywhere?

Instead of struggling to find the will to workout after a day at the office, get up 15 minutes earlier and do a pre-breakfast metabolism boosting session that will have you burning fat all day, feeling super-charged and energetic, and help you sleep better at night (so you feel fresher in the morning, despite the alarm going off 15 minutes earlier).

10 - 15 minutes a day, or 20 - 30 every other day is not to hard to find, especially if you take my advice and make time rather than hoping to find it somewhere (after all, it is elusive and rarely 'found').

An example workout:

Start with a dynamic warm up - squats, lunges, shoulder circles etc with no weight, for a few minutes.

2 handed swings - 1 minute

1 arm kettlebell chest press - 15 on each side

2 handed swings - 1 minute

1 arm kettlebell row - 15 on each side

Figure of 8 pass and hold - 15 on each side

1 arm military press - 15 on each side

Figure of 8 pass and hold - 15 on each side

Windmill - 10 on each side

Kettlebell Russian Twist - 15 on each side

Plank - as long as you can!

Perform this circuit one or 2 times through, resting as you need to depending on your fitness level (decrease the rest as you get fitter). Be sure to stretch your main muscles, paying attention to tight areas, after every session.

This is the by far one of the best ways to start your day - boosting your metabolism, mood and energy levels so you are bound to hit the rest of your day with style.

Caroline is a Personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher and Kettlebell Instructor based in the UK.

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