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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Introduce a Trampoline to Your Garden

It's interesting to watch habits changing. You can see products becoming increasingly popular, suddenly appearing in more homes and gardens. This has clearly been the case with trampolines - they can now be seen in far more gardens than they once were.

Why have they become so popular? If you've not already bought a trampoline for your garden then you may be missing out on the many advantages. Garden trampolines tend to be aimed at families with children. They can, however, also be used for exercise purposes solely for adults. Most people buying outdoor equipment of this type are initially thinking about it being used by their kids. So let's take a look at why many parents are opting to buy garden trampolines.

The first major advantage that they have is that they are great fun! Those of us with children know just how important this is. Finding activities that our children will want to keep coming back to is not always easy, but it's extremely useful when you find something that fits the bill. It's easy to see why trampolines do cause such excitement. There's something funny about watching someone use one - even us adults can't help but feel younger when we're on a trampoline.

They also promote an active form of play. Think about the fitness benefits here, which are just as important for children as they are for adults. It's obviously better for our kids to be outdoors, enjoying the fresh air and keeping fit. The fact that they'll be having so much fun at the same time is an added benefit.

What about safety? It's important that our kids are safe when they play. Fortunately, you can use trampoline enclosures to ensure that your children are safe when using the equipment. You can currently buy trampolines online at discount prices. Some of the leading manufacturers include the likes of Super Tramp and Jump King. You can compare prices before buying to make sure that you get the very best deal.

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Weighted Hula Hoop - Proper Use

Believe it or not but weighted hula hoops are quickly becoming the latest craze in the world of fun and fitness combined. The biggest thing is just don't sweat over how to use them. Just pick one up and start having fun. You can't really do things wrong. However if you are looking for some basic steps then feel free to read the rest of this article.

The first step is simply taking hold of the hula hoop. Just pick it up and hold it.

Now you want to move the hoop to ankle level, so just a few inches off the ground.

The time has come to take your first step into your new weighted hula hoop.

Bring the hoop up to your waist level.

At this point you want to have the hoop rest against your back. Do this by holding the hoop with both hands and pull it forward until you feel it on your back.

At this point you want to swing the hoop to the left on your body. Just let it roll around your body and let it fall. Go ahead and do this a few times until you get a good feel for what you are doing.

So now you kind of have a feel for the hoop. This time leave the hoop at your feet and do some practice with your hip movement. Just keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and do some pelvis circles. Do this as many times as you need to get it to feel good.

The time has come to put the practice to use. Go ahead and give the weighted hula hoop a flip around your waist. Get the hoop meeting your hips and continue the movement to keep the hoop circling your body.

The whole idea is to keep the hoop going as long as possible. Of course it will eventually fall but that's okay. It's as simple as picking it up and starting over.

At the end of the day make sure you are having fun because that's what it's all about. The hoop is great for a fitness regime but the key is don't get too serious because as long as you are enjoying yourself the weight loss will come with it. Go ahead and get your hands on a weighted hula hoop and have some fun.

Jane is just one of those ladies who goes through life having fun. She now wants to help many others have fun.

Jane first got involved with weighted hula hoops about 5 years ago and soon realized that the kids toys of the past could not only be used as fun but also as a great fitness tool.

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Weighted Hula Hoops and Getting Fit

Weighted hula hoops are just another one of those silly toys that have made their way into the world of fitness. If you want to get fit in this century you really don't have any excuses any more. The equipment is limitless and now with hoops you can add a lot of fun into what you are trying to do.

You have treadmills, balls, stair climbers and very expensive gym packages. Most would think with all the equipment available weight loss would be quite simple. The problem is that isn't always true because you still need the commitment to what you are doing. That's where the problem comes in. That's why the weighted hula hoops come in nice because you are mixing fun with exercise thus making it easier to make a commitment.

The definite focus with hoops is losing inches off your waist. All you need to do is set up a schedule that you can live with and maintain happily. The great part is you set the schedule up to what works for you. Maybe you can only do a few minutes at a time but that's 3 minutes closer to losing the desired weight. You take care of the schedule and the hoop will take care of the fun.

So now you are wondering where you can find weighted hula hoops. Just remember we live in an age of technology and you can find anything you want on the internet. You will be able to find a great number of sizes and colors of hoops when shopping for the hoops. Of course you will want to investigate where you are buying from especially if it's on the internet. It's really quite simple. Just make sure you do your homework and go slowly and everything will go great.

If you want to put a lot of time and effort in you can actually become very good at using the hoop. The thing is that doesn't really matter. You don't need to become great to reap the benefits from hooping. Just continue learning and having fun and the hoop will take care of the weight loss you are trying to achieve. Of course the amount of time it takes will depend on how much time you can put in.

No matter what you do the only thing that matters is staying committed to yourself. Don't let anyone ever sway you in what you are doing. The key is to just do your best while having fun. That is the key reason why weighted hula hoops are so great. They allow you to get what you want with losing fat but you also get to have fun at the same time.

Jane is just one of those ladies who goes through life having fun. She now wants to help many others have fun.

Jane first got involved with weighted hula hoops about 5 years ago and soon realized that the kids toys of the past could not only be used as fun but also as a great fitness tool. She started building her own hoops and when she realized how easy this was she has now decided to share some of her knowledge with anyone that may be interested.

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Make Your Own Weighted Hula Hoop

Of course you can make your own weighted hula hoop. Of course it doesn't just fall out of the sky and you will need a few things. The primary parts you will need are connectors and some piping which you can get at your local hardware store. You can also get colored tape to add some neat looks to the hoops. Hockey or electrical tape is acceptable but I prefer electrical tape because its glossy finish makes it easier to keep the hoop clean. To finish off the list you will need a hack saw, a hair dryer and some boiling hot water.

The pipe you are looking for is 160 psi, 3/4" tubing. This will almost always be found in the plumbing aisles. While you are at the store you may as well pick up the connectors for your weighted hula hoop.

Length Of Weighted Hula Hoops

The cool thing about building your own weighted hula hoops is you can build them to any size you desire. Of course it depends who will be using the hoops. If you are building for children you are going to want to build smaller ones than if you are making them for adults. The size you should usually be looking for is by putting the hoop on the ground. From the ground the hoop should come to between the armpits and the mouth. However there is no need to fear because the hoops can be easily altered. One important thing to remember is that the smaller hoops are harder to use.

Cut The Tubing

Now that you have a size that you want for the weighted hula hoop it is time to do the cutting. There are a few tools that can be used but by far the best tool is a hack saw. Now you have to do some melting. You need to get the plastic softened up a bit in order to get the connectors in properly. The tools of choice for this are either a hair dryer or a pot of very hot water. I prefer the water just because it is clean and safe.

Just like that you have your home made weighted hula hoop. Now that you are sure of the length you can move forward on decorating. This is where only your imagination will limit the decorating. Don't be scared to try different patterns, they will all look good and be unique. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to take your time and do things properly the first time. You will have to portray a bit of patience but it will be worth it once you start using your brand new weighted hula hoop.

Jane is just one of those ladies who goes through life having fun. She now wants to help many others have fun.

Jane first got involved with weighted hula hoops about 5 years ago and soon realized that the kids toys of the past could not only be used as fun but also as a great fitness tool.

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