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Friday, September 12, 2008

3 Keys to Treadmill Walking to Lose Weight

Before I get into the three specifics on how to lose weight with treadmill walking, let's take a step back. The science behind weight loss is very simple: you have to burn more calories than you consume. In addition, the more intense your workouts are the more calories you will burn.

With these principles in mind, let's now turn to the three critical things you need to know to reach your weight loss goals by walking on the treadmill. They are...drum roll please...frequency, consistency, and intensity. Let's take a closer look at all three:

I hate to tell you this, but an occasional walk on the treadmill is going to do very little for you. It takes considerably more effort to lose weight by walking than other treadmill exercises such as jogging or running. The good news about treadmill walking, however, is that it has the least stress on your knees and joints. Unlike jogging and running where off days are important, you can walk everyday if you want. You should aim to walk at least 5 days per week. Anything less and you will find it very difficult to reach your weight loss goals (assuming you aren't doing any other exercises or strength training).

You need to be consistent when it comes to treadmill walking to lose weight. Taking days off or cutting your exercise sessions short will hurt your weight loss efforts. As I've mentioned, walking is the least intense treadmill exercise. If walking is going to be your primary method to lose weight, your workouts need to be consistent day-to-day.

If you are obese or just plain out of shape and just beginning an exercise program, then your treadmill walking workouts should not be that intense when starting out. Start your program slowly. Eventually, however, you'll need to increase the intensity of your treadmill walking workouts for maximum weight loss results. This shouldn't be a problem because the more you walk, the more fit you'll become. The more intense your workouts are the more calories you'll burn and the shorter your sessions will have to be.

What is an intense workout? It will vary depending on how fit you are, but generally speaking you should aim to walk on the treadmill for 45 minutes or more during each session. You should also try to keep your heart rate at a minimum of 70% of your maximum heart rate during each session. Again, these guidelines will vary and these are aimed specifically for effective weight loss results. Your sessions can be shorter and your heart rate can be kept in a lower range, but if you do this, it can take longer to reach your goals and you may never reach them if your sessions aren't intense enough.

Treadmill walking to lose weight is definitely possible but it takes frequency, consistency, and intensity. If walking is going to be your primary treadmill exercise for weight loss, keep these three keys in mind. Otherwise, you'll just be wasting your time and effort!


Home Gym Exercise Equipment

It has become the answer for many people in this busy world, to go to the gym to get in better shape. Gym memberships allow you to keep your body fresh, healthy and fit. Making time to work out at the gym also can increase your energy levels. While working out is great idea, not everyone has the time. So how can a busy person with full schedule manage to stay in shape?

The best alternative can be a home gym exercise equipment purchase. After setting up gym equipment at home, you can save time and work out at your convenience. No more driving to the gym, lugging around extra clothes and membership cards.

The are many types of effective home gym exercise equipment to choose from. Consulting with an expert at the sporting goods store or a personal trainer is a good place to start. One can also browse the online user reviews.

Working out at home isn't just for experts. Beginners can also benefit, and there is home gym exercise equipment specifically denied to make your workout productive. These machines also help you to maintain proper posture to avoid injuries. There are also multi-station pieces available in the market which will in turn allow you to perform numerous exercises - one after another.

You can do exercises for your legs, arms, thighs and abs through a multi-station gym. The use of pulley or a sliding bar system allows the machine to changes its position as you require. These pulleys have increment of about five to ten pounds in weight to adjust the intensity of your workout.

The most important consideration in buying home gym exercise equipment is to select a long-lasting, well-built unit. Any breakage has the potential to lead to serious injury. Be sure it has an aluminum or steel support cover. This makes it strong enough to gradually bear your weight while you are exercising.


Choosing From All Those Recumbent Cycles

These days many sports and bicycling enthusiasts are opting for recumbent cycles over upright ones, and with good reason. While upright bikes may offer more of an actual workout on the legs, recumbent cycles have less pressure on the back and entire upper body since sitting back puts less pressure on this area.

But no matter how good they are for you and your workout, there seems to be far too many recumbent cycles on the market today making your choice a seemingly impossible one! How to choose and what to look for?

First you need to be aware of your fitness levels and what you're looking for in a bike. Most recumbent cycles are very adjustable but still respond to a rider's height and weight. Women especially may want to choose options that are meant specifically for them, as trying to use a bike that's too large for your frame may mean that you are constantly reaching for the pedals and handles; simply moving the seat forward or up and down may only mean that you're bending your legs unnaturally, resulting in an uncomfortable ride or workout.

Your level of fitness also comes into play when choosing between recumbent cycles; different leg muscles are worked at various levels when cycling and much of this depends on your posture while riding. The longer the pedal base, the more you're working your entire lower and upper leg muscles and a shorter pedal base means the upper thigh muscles are being worked much harder than the lower leg muscles.

With a recumbent bike you are sitting in a position facing front so you will not get the neck strain so common with normal bikes. You are sitting in a seat with back support, not balancing on a little wedge of hard plastic which means no more chafing in those tender spots. Your weight is not resting on your arms, so you eliminate all the strain and pain from your hands, wrists, arms and shoulders.

Men should be especially careful about using a standard upright bike because the narrow seat puts a lot of pressure on the prostate gland. With a recumbent bike your legs also don't have as much stress and strain when they are out in front of you rather than pedaling underneath your body the way you do with an upright bike.

While you might immediately be thinking that you want to work these underdeveloped muscles, be sure that you're going to dedicate yourself to such a workout. Choosing from recumbent cycles that are difficult for you to use will only mean that you'll be more likely to give up on your workout or ride and let the bike gather dust.

Your budget is also going to be a factor when choosing between recumbent cycles. There's no end to the many gadgets and features you can pick from with the various models, but of course you don't want to overspend either. A very basic model without all the "bells and whistles" can still provide an enjoyable workout or ride, so don't be taken in by all the recumbent cycles that have fancy gadgets and programs you're never going to use. Instead, try out a few in the store or at your local gym and find what feels best for you, and then choose according to how much you can realistically spend.


Terrell Owens Workout Program - Discover His Amazing Result Producing Workouts

Have you seen the cover Of Muscle and Fitness magazine lately?

At 6' 3" and 223 pounds, T.O. Owens is tall, lean, and built for speed. His fitness and bodybuilding program is tailored to create a body built specifically for performing as a wide receiver - strength to withstand blockers, speed to get to the end zone, and agility to weave his way to the goal line.

Although many people assume that Terrell lives in the gym weightlifting, that is just not the case. In 2005, Terrell began using a strength training tool that increased his speed and power far more than free weights ever did. That tool was elastic resistance bands.

Well now Terrell Owens, now of the Dallas Cowboys, is featured on the cover Of Muscle and Fitness in all his physical glory. What is the workout of this NFL Super Star? Well here it is:

Terrell Owens Workout

Terrell Owens follows a split workout routine that you can find in any muscle and fitness mag.

Monday - Shoulders/tries/calves on

Tuesday- Hamstrings and back

Wednesday- Quads/biceps/chest

On the following two days he'll do supplemental exercises that he feels he needs. "I may do triceps press downs, the same as on Monday." After that it is all pretty much up in the air. "Typically, I may come in and do some ab work. He stated.

Terrell Owens workout program uses resistance bands for most of its training, especially for his speed and core training. I have always been a fan of resistance bands because they are easy to use, easy on the joints, versatile, and can be taken anywhere. Terrell also uses them to maintain his strength during football season. He works out between 2 -3 times per week during the season.

Terrell has recently joined forces with Bodylastics and created his own set of resistance bands called, The Bodylastics Terrell Owens Super Strongman Edition.

Terrell Owens Workout Program bands are quite unique offering 140 health club type exercises, a lifetime warranty and Terrell Owens Super Strong Man Edition comes with enough resistance to create tension equal to a pair of 5 lbs dumbbells all the way up to a pair of 127 dumbbells!

More than enough resistance for your bodybuilding workouts.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Time on the New Elliptical Machine - My ReviewFirst Time on the New Elliptical Machine - My Review

My parents have a very expensive elliptical machine that I've used a few times and it's definitely nice. Recently my sister was given an elliptical machine as a gift and I used it for the first time this morning. Let me give you my review.

It was a Nautilus brand, cost about $2000 and purchased at Scheels. Just as she reported it was a very solid machine. And unbelievably quiet. I couldn't believe how quiet it was, you almost couldn't even hear the parts moving. As a result the TV volume didn't have to be any louder than normal use. That's a big advantage so that other family members are disturbed in different parts of the house.

It has several program options including about 6 or 7 preprogrammed routines of varying difficulties. There is also just the option of the same fitness level throughout and then you can manually adjust the difficulty level. An increase in difficulty means that your legs are pumping against increased resistance which is controlled in the large rear base of the machine. Again, all very quiet.

I am famous for being an absolutely wimp. I hate to exercise and feel that going to the mailbox is my limit (only a slight exaggeration.) So, I got on and did a 30 minute workout. 30 minutes! There are three different places to put your hands, either moving opposite your legs (best choice) or solid in front of you, or leaned forward slightly. It has a heart rate monitor which can indicate not only your heart rate but also tell you if you should speed up or slow down based on that number. Cool, huh?

I watched a game show for 30 minutes while I worked out. I really felt it in my leg muscles, but had absolutely no stress on my joints. None. It was great. I definitely got a good workout and feel it's something I need to do at least twice a week, regularly. Maybe then going to the mailbox won't be such a big deal.


Exercise Gear to Add Variety to Your Workout

To add variety and depth to your workout, there are three pieces of exercise equipment that you need to know: bands, balls, and balance balls. They are your ticket to losing weight fast and getting that firm body you've always wanted.


Bands are rubber loops with padded handles used to tone and strengthen muscles. They are used for their versatility and function as a replacement for free weights. Travelers love them because they are light. They can easily fit into a carryon bag without making it any heavier.

When looking for bands find packages that come with light, medium, and heavy strengths to use on different areas of the body.


Balls have gained massive popularity in recent years. Called yoga balls, stability balls, and pilate balls, these massive translucent rubber balls are fantastic for targeting muscle masses. They are also sublime for those with joint pain because they cushion movement.

To find the size ball that is right for you, stand beside an inflated ball. If the ball comes up to the bottom of your backside then it is perfect for your body.

Balance Balls

You may have seen the half circle bubbles at the gym and wondered what they were. Balance balls are great for perfecting your balance, coordination, and posture. Turned one way, they are a platform on top of an unsteady base. Turned the other way they are a mini-hill ready to climb. Balance balls can be used in a hundred different, challenging, creative ways. When buying one, look for balls that are well constructed and sturdy.

All of these tools have the potential not only to burn fat fast, but also add a little spice to an otherwise dreary workout. Give one or all three a shot next time you're at the gym. You may find your next workout buddy.


Pilates Ball Exercises - Tips on Incorporating Them Into Your Routine

If you are already a Pilates enthusiast, you are definitely aware of the many rewards that Pilates can offer, such as a leaner, stronger body that is more flexible and athletic. Also, you definitely are thankful for the fact that Pilates is one of very few exercise methods which is no-impact, meaning that the featured exercises and movements do not cause damage or put pressure on your joints. This can be very important to many people, especially those with previous knee or other problems. If you would like to spice up your Pilates workouts, or even if you are a beginner to the world of Pilates, you may want to incorporate some Pilates ball exercises into your regular routine. This can help you to target different areas of your body, as well as helping you to avoid getting into the rut of doing the same old routine over and over again.

The best way to pick up some great new Pilates exercises for use with an exercise ball is by simply looking around online. There are tons of Pilates websites that are completely oriented towards helping Pilates enthusiasts to find new ways to make their workouts a bit more different, more challenging, or more interesting. Many of these sites will also feature detailed instructions on the required movements for the ball exercises, which sometimes include pictures or even video clips. You may also find that there are Pilates forums where you can ask questions, get suggestions or find other helpful advice that can get you on the right path.

Many Pilates ball exercises are targeted towards the abdominal muscles, which is also one of the main reasons that people are flocking towards these types of exercises. After all, if you ask many workout or fitness enthusiasts what part of their body that they would like to tone or work on the most, they would definitely say their abs. Who wouldn't want a sexy set of six pack abs, after all? Of course, if you are not as worried about your abs and simply want to get a great total body workout in, you can also find exercises that work other parts of the body while utilizing an exercise ball.

Perhaps the best part about finding these Pilates ball exercises online is that they are free. That is why there is no reason that you should not search around a bit to see if you can find some great new exercises to incorporate into your Pilates routine.

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Bodylastic Bands - 8 Tips You Must Know About Bodylastic Bands

Bodylastic Bands are a low cost home gym that uses quality elastic tubing for resistance.

Here are the major benefits of Bodylastic bands:

1. It offers more than 140 health club type exercises all in one convenient "gym in a bag." The beauty about Bodylastic bands is that unlike regular bands you can add more than 7 elastic bands of varying resistance to the handles.

This is very similar to a dumbbell or free weights. What this means is that any one...any age and any sex can use the resistance bands and get fast results.

2. The elastic tubes are separated according to resistance levels and come in different colors. Each color signifies a different "strength level." Preparing for a Bodylastic bands workout is as simple as attaching bands onto the handles and ankle straps.

3. You can easily customize your workouts with more than 31 possible resistance levels. The Bodylastic band comes with a door anchor to create the best workout situation possible.

4. The Bodylastic bands can be used to target every area of the body, whether you're looking to build your arms, back, legs, chest, stomach, or shoulders. The elastic bands come in different strengths and are color coded based on resistance levels. A black band is used to designate extra heavy resistance, a blue one for heavy resistance, a red band signifies light heavy resistance, a green band for medium resistance, and a yellow band offers light resistance.

5. The nice thing about Bodylastic bands is that it comes with five elastic tubes constructed of high quality latex ranging from five to 22 pounds of tension. Each tube has a clip system for easy connection. In addition the handles are designed to be attached to the tubes.

6. They are constructed of high density plastic with soft foam in the middle for comfort. Ankle straps also come with the Bodylastic system so you can focus on working your legs. They are also designed for comfort since they are made of nylon and Velcro.

7. The revolutionary part about the Bodylastic system is the door anchor. With it you can easily position the system for hamstring curls, triceps extensions, and back rows.

8. The Bodylastic bands are easy to use and comes with a user's manual and instructional DVD.

Designed to be used by people of all ages with different levels of workout experience, the Bodylastic bands are great choice for people who want a home gym, but don't want to make a big investment and/or don't have a lot of spare space at home.

All in all the Bodylastic bands gives you a great bang for your buck. I feel confident in saying that used properly it can replace a Bowflex or Total Gym.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

The Chuck Norris Home Gym - A Review of This Home Gym Equipment

The Chuck Norris Home Gym is a popular piece of fitness equipment. It is widely advertised on TV but is it the right piece of equipment to help you achieve your fitness goals?

The Total Gym from Chuck Norris is essentially an exercise bench that you can perform a multitude of exercises on. Thanks to the pulley system you can use your own body weight to work out your arms and your legs. You can also perform abdominal exercises as well.

Many people that have used the Chuck Norris home gym absolutely love it. It does not take up much room and you can even fold it away after use. You don't have weights or dumbbells lying around so it is quite compact.

Unlike a traditional free weights home gym, this is a piece of equipment that is popular with both men and women. This means that it is great to use at home because all of the family can use it.

There are some limitations to using the Chuck Norris home gym. Whilst working against your own body weight is great for upper body strength, some people will feel the need for more resistance when working out their lower body. If you are a serious body builder you may want to use free weights.

But many people are willing to overlook these shortcomings considering everything that you get for the money. The average person that wants to get fit will find that it is ideal. Compared to travelling to a healthclub you will save yourself a small fortune by having one of these units at home.

In all, it is a good piece of equipment that will satisfy all but the top level of athlete. If you want to combine an aerobics workout with building muscle strength, the Chuck Norris home gym should be given serious consideration.

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Is Buying a Reconditioned Elliptical Trainer a Good Idea?

Given the choice, most people would love to have a brand new elliptical at home. But the cost of these machines mean that many people have to settle for a used or a reconditioned elliptical trainer.

Getting a reconditioned elliptical can be a huge cost saving. You can get this type of machine from some of the manufacturers and from specialist fitness equipment stores. These are typically units that have been used by other customers but have been restored to good working order and any necessary parts replaced.

If they have been refurbished by qualified and knowledgeable staff, there is no reason why these machines cannot go on and give a good level of service for you.

However, there is a downside to buying a refurbished elliptical trainer. Some units have been refurbished because of frequent use, say in a professional gym. Although the necessary parts have been replaced to get it working, the machine maybe more likely to breakdown in the future due to another mechanical fault.

The other downside that many people do not consider is how the market has moved on. Elliptical trainers are getting better all the time. They are quieter and have a smoother action. What may have been considered a 'top of the range' model a few years ago has now been superseded by many others. Would you be better off buying a brand new mid-range unit and getting the same level of performance compared to a refurbished elliptical trainer?

A factor that may be the clincher as to whether you choose a refurbished elliptical trainer or not, is whether it comes with a warranty. A good quality new machine will come with the peace of mind of a 2-year warranty. A refurbished model may only come with a short guarantee or no guarantee at all. This is often an indication of how confident the retailer is that the machine will last. If they are not willing to take a risk on the machine not breaking down, why should you?


Renting a Treadmill - The Cost Effective Way to Get a Treadmill For Home

There is no escaping the fact: treadmills are expensive. Whilst we know that they are a worthwhile and useful piece of exercise equipment, many people struggle to be able to afford one.

But there is an affordable method of ownership that few people know about. Renting a treadmill is an ideal way to cut down on the costs of having your own high quality machine at home.

Instead of spending over $1000 on buying a machine you can have a top specification treadmill for a fixed monthly fee. This makes it easy to spread out your costs. And compared to a couple of people in the house having gym membership, you could well find that you save money by renting.

There are many advantages to renting in addition to cost. Some people just want a machine for a limited time. Maybe you are on a work placement in a new town, and you just want to keep you fitness levels. Or maybe you've just had kids and can't get to the gym at the moment but know that you'll have more time in the future.

Renting a treadmill also allows you to have a recent model and easily upgrade it when you feel the need. This is ideal for first time users who want to see how they get on with a treadmill without having to fork out a big stash of money upfront. If you like it you can upgrade to a better model. If you don't get on with it - send it back!

If you are in two minds about taking the plunge, why not consider renting a treadmill. You can find rental companies on the Net and in the Yellow Pages. If you live in a city there shouldn't be too much problem finding a supplier.

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